Congratulations you are a parent now! A special chapter in your life is about to begin. And everybody may know that. Euhm wait.... everybody? Well research shows that in less than an hour 62% of the parents post a photo of their newborn on social media. 22% is family and 16% are their friends.
Sharing your pregnancy on facebook is such a normal thing this time of the year. If you want to know if someone is pregnant just find out on facebook. Do you want to know how the babies room looks like just find out online.
Why do we share such an intimate thing to the whole world? Well it's started when baby George was born. And then it was an hype to share your newborn to the world.
But why do we do that?
The reason couples do this is because they can show it to family members and friends a lot easier who lives far away. But even casual acquaintances are aware of the birth of your child immediately. Couples say that they think it's a lot easier to share this all in ones. And people who aren't that close can see a picture of their newborn also.
As a new parent you want to show to the world how beautifull your little baby is. You are happy and full of joy.
But don't upload a picture daily (enjoy eachother)
Send a much intimate picture to your family through whats app or e-mail and not on facebook or instagram.
Think before you post a picture online. You do not want to get a picture under your nose getting birth at a job interview.
Talk to your family and friends if you don't want them to post pictures of your baby online. Just be honest to them.
You can also post a detail. A photo of a foot or hand. So everybody nows your baby is born but it's still a suprise!
And at last something about newborn photoshoots.
It's a trend to make pictures of your baby in special poses. And let's be honest is looks adorable.
But be carefull with who you work with.
Make sure they have the full experience. That they know what they are doing with your newborn, that everything is safe.
Make sure they are using props who are soft and not sharp. It must be safe for your baby they must don't get hurt.
Make sure they will support the babies head because the head is heavy and they can't lift their head.

Just do reasearch before you work with a photographer. It's a special moment for you.
For the dutchies out here I know an amazing photographer who is really great with newborn photography: first edition photography
Further I want to say enjoy your parenting.
Enjoy the times with your little one and your family time.
My time must start... and it will be... very soon. I can't wait to hold the little one in to my arms.
But I wont post a picture of my newborn on facebook.
The most important people get a card from us. And facebook members will see the baby when I feel like it to post something.
I even did not post a photo of the sonogram that we are expecting a baby. They find it out with little quotes or sometimes I post a status with a hospital visit in it.
I don't want to have 100 likes or comments on the photo. They will find it out when I feel like it. haha
But that is a choice what everybody must make of their own.
What would you do? Will you post a photo of your new born online?