I've told you allready about my bathing stuff but I did not tell you where I use it for.
I'm not gonna lie that I'm a Zwitsal addict.
So in this blog I will tell you about the products that I have (I've got new ones also).
Sometimes I use this for in her bath. The oil brings a protective layer on the baby's skin. This prevents dehydration and take care of the skin.
When I do not use the oil I use this to soap my baby girl her hair, and body.
With one push on the bottle delicious foam comes out.
This is my baby girl her shampoo. I do not use this a lot because she does not have a lots of hair.
But sometimes when I do not take her in bath but her hair is sticky of all the milk she spit out I will do a quick wash with this.
Zwitsal sweet dreams massage oil. This one is new for me. But my girl loves to get a massage before bed time. And the mild smell of lavender and chamomile makes your little one fall quiet in sleep. I've got a busy girl do this one is not working for her. But she smells great and she get's a smooth skin.
This shampoo is not for my baby girl but this is mine...
I just love the smell. In Zwitsal Anti-burdock Shampoo is a mild conditioner that will make you easier to comb through the hair.
This talc powder I use for her skin folds. Specially her neck where all of the spitted milk comes. Zwitsal Talcum powder absorbs moisture and helps to prevent irritated spots on the skin.
Goodmorning hair gel. I know my babygirl don't have a lot of hair. But I love to make her hair more punky sometimes.
Zwitsal fragrance sachets I use this for my baby girl her clothing closet. This is why her clothes smells so damn fine...
Hair lotion I use for her hair just that it smells nice.
It makes her hair soft also.
Zinc oxide cream I use for my baby girl her buttocks.
Zwitsal zinc oxide cream has just the right consistency to help prevent diaper rash.
Zinc oxide helps nappy rash and diaper rash to recover quickly.
Panthenol ensures that the skin barrier is reinforced.
Also the cream contains calendula, an ingredient known for its soothing effect. This is why the buttocks stays soft and protected.
Sweet dreams body lotion I use this before she goes to bed.
This is like the massage oil new for me.
But she smells great. A good end to the day and a good start to a night.
Lotion butt wipes, I use this at every diaper change to make her bottom clean.
Snout Polishers I use this to clean her face when it's sticky of the milk.
It has a refreshing scent.
Zwistal parfume mommies favourite!
I use this when I want to smell like a Zwistal bomb haha. Sometimes I spray it on my girl her clothing just for the extra nice smell!
Body lotion when her skin is not to dry I use this after every wash and bath.
The Zwitsal Body Lotion also keeps the moisture balance of the baby's skin to standard, for soft and supple skin.
The softing cream I use for her cheecks and face. They get dry often so I use this to get her face nice and soft.
The baby oil I used for my pregnant tummy. And it worked great: No stretch marks!!!
Now I use this for my baby girl her body when it's dry.

This where all of my Zwitsal products. I really love them and I will recomend this to everybody!
I can't live without it.
For more information about the products go to the Zwistal webpage !!!