There are a lot of funny and great ideas to tell to the people around you that you are pregnant.
Well I'm not that original I've gave my dogs a shirt with a text I will be a big brother or Big sister of...
And those pictures I've send them to my family. My inlaws got a photo of the echo of the baby.
And my colleagues get some chocolate with pink or blue sprinkles on them in a shape of a bottle or a baby soother.
Well here some ideas from other people how you can tell or shout that you are pregnant.

- If you allready have a daughter or son get a shirt with on it: I'm going to be a big sister/brother. Make them wear it on a family dinner or party. It's almost the same like what I did for my dogs (told you I'm not that original)
- If it's christmas time you can get of those presents with : I love grandma on it or other stuff like that. If they came and open their presents they will be suprised.
- I saw this on a page. Her due date was on the same date as her mothers birthday. She told her that maybe she get her present early or maybe late. Her mother did not get it because it tooks a long time before her birthday. And then she told her what her due date was the same as her birthday. A better gift you can't get.
- If it's someones birthday and they like wine or beer. Get a big bottle and make a label on the computer with the text; Happy Birthday, greetings from (your name), (his name) & ?.... They will scratch their had first maybe. This is also the text of my birthday card to my uncle. He did not get it first till I asked him if he read the card right... Hahaha
- You can order on the internet m&m's with a personalized text on it. So get the text "I'm pregnant". When everyone is together hand your m&m's to your guests. Maybe it will take some time before they noticed the text on the m&m's but what a suprise.
- Draw a nice family tree. Add an extra box for the baby and show it to your family.
- To your colleagues you can send an e-mail with the next text on it: "During the following months, I will be responding much slower to your request because I can not get very busy. The baby does not like to see mommy bend over a computer screen all day."
- And as last... There are more ways to tell your pregnant ofcourse... But then You'll be still reading this till tomorrow haha. But the easiest and fastest way to tell everybody is Facebook. Here some pictures you can post on your facebook to let everybody know your pregnant.
And if you've got amazing, original, fun ways to tell your pregnant. Or you just want to share it. Don't be afraid to replay/comment under this blog!
SO apparently I have two heartbeats right now.. <3