I've got that problem last Valentines day. And while I don't like those commercial days, this time I wanted to buy something sweet for my hubby. He bought me a gift with Christmas while we would not buy something for eachother.

They put a picture of your choice on a chocolate heart! My hubby likes white chocolate so I thought this was a great idea.
And he liked it. It's a good quality photo and the chocolate tastes good!
In July it was my hubbies birthday. And our little girl was here allready so I've searched on that page and saw that you also can make a cute shirt for your baby with an own made text and photo.
I've made a shirt with a picture of her on it on a firetruck with the text: Happy birthday daddy.
So I was sold on this page! I have also made chunck bracelets with picture of my baby girl, our dogs and my cat on it.
I gave this gift also for a friend of mine who has gave birth a couple of weeks ago.
It's a beautifull way to keep your love ones nearby.
Now I've orderd an agenda with pictures in it. It's easy and fun for when I go back to work! I do not have this yet. But I can't wait to have it....
This page called: YourSurprise
And it is really a surprise! It's personal, original. It's fun to give away or to give it to yourself.
You can also make a book for your child with her/his name in it as main character.
Or a lunchbox to bring at school with a picture on it.
They've got also stuffed animals where you can put a picture on it as well.
You've got chocolate, candy, make up mirrors, phone covers, bord games etc who you can personalised it with your own picture.
How fun is that?
It's a fast delivery, good quality, original, and your questions are answered quickly.
So check this page out: http://www.yoursurprise.nl and be original when you will give somebody a gift!