And once and again it's very cloudy and rainy outside. It looks more like autumn than spring.
So I've made a stuffed apple. It's very easy but it will take some time before you can eat it.
1 apple
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp maple syrup
aluminum foil
Preheat the oven on 200degrees. Cut off the top of the apple (but keep it), remove the core and hollow the apple. Keep the apple pieces and crush them.
Mix the apple pieces, cinnamon, maple syrup and muesli together.
Put that in the apple and put the cap back on.
Fold the aluminum foil around the apple and put it in the oven for 20minutes.
This is a nice and cozy breakfast. It's more like a fall breakfast than a spring breakfast but who cares?
It tastes great and it's healthy. Do I need to say more?
You know we've had enough rain when ducks are handing out life-jackets! QUACK!!!