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Posts tonen met het label Nom Nom Nom. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 4 juni 2014

Nom Nom Nom tag

I've found another tag!!!! Whoop whoop. And this one I must share with you guys. I've found this tag here: inaflowaroundtheworld
It's a foody tag, and I love food ofcourse.
Are you already curious what my answers are? Then read on......

What do you think that's delicious that others find very nasty? And vice versa?
Well I love spicy food and some people can't handle that haha. But I also love maggi hot. Thats a flavor enhancer mostly used for soup. But i'll eat it whit everything. And no, I don't eat it because I'm pregnant.
I'm not a big meat eater. So I can be very difficult about the kind of meat while eating.

What do you like to cook and far too often?
Call me a fake indo, but I love to cook cooked potatoes with cauliflower. Very Dutchy... 
But I also like to cook wok noodles. Because that's fast and healthy. But mostly we try many new things.
And if I have a day off and if I feel like it (that last one is most important) I like to make Indonesian food.
Well here is the Indonesia part of me comming back ;).

In which restaurant you would most like to eat every day?
I love to go to Sumo in Breda. That's a Japanese restaurant.
8 years ago Sumo started in Rotterdam as a small intimate Japanese restaurant. At that time wielded Sumo as one of the first "all you can eat concept" that became immensely popular.
Today's Sumo located throughout the Netherlands from Groningen to Tilburg, and in each branch you can eat Japanese lunch, dinner.There is something for everyone, because they have not only sushi but also grill, fish, meat and vegetarian dishes. 
They have a very Asian style and you can sit there very comfertable.  But how much I love sushi. If I 'll eat it every day it will get bored easily.

How would a sandwich named after you, to be called. And what's on it?
The Flaming sandwich? haha I don't know. I think I would take whole grain sandwich with, grilled chicken, jalapenos, lettuce, tomato, onion something like that.
I'm not that kind of sandwich eater.

Share a handy cooking tip:
I love to cook really I do. But I'm not that handy.... So I'm sorry I don't have any tips. If you've got one, let me know right.

What else is on your 'Food baking bucket list'?
I've got a lot of things on my baking bucket list. Like: banana oatmeal cookies, chocolate banana bread, choco peanutbutter bars, banana quarck bread and so on..... To many things I want to try out.

What do you prefer? Home cooking, ordering food or out for dinner?
.Home cooking... So you've always know what's in your food. I love to go out for dinner once in a while. But I want to eat as healthy as possible. And cooking can be fun also. Specially if you cook both. It's fun, relaxing, you can talk while your cook. Just make sure you enjoy it.

Are you allergic to anything?
MILK... One glass my body can handle it. But if I drink normal ordenary cow milk every day. Well my guts are getting hypersensitive. So that;s why I drink always soy milk.

What's your foodobsession lately?
Chips while watching a movie. It's a bad craving also (shame on me). 

What is your favorite dessert?
I don't like desserts. Mostly we drink a cup of coffee or tea after dinner.
Just give me a bowl of fruit instead of pudding.
But with the nice warm weather I like icecream or water ice.
But not every day. Just give me my damn coffee ok?!