Posts tonen met het label challenge. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label challenge. Alle posts tonen

maandag 8 september 2014

#blotemamabuik , naked mama belly dares you to put a picture online of your naked mommy belly.
She is sick of all the negative comments about bellies of mommies.
Yeah maybe you suffer from stretch marks after giving birth.
Or your hips are out of proportion. But that does not mean that other people can act rude and give comments to your body who had raise a baby!!!

Your body has brought up, nourished and protected a baby. That is very exhausting for your body and therefore it changed. But it's the most precious thing what can happen to you.
It's like magic how your body can make a baby out of 2 cells!

So those stretch marks are stripes of a tiger! And you've earned them because you've got something special out of it.

That does remind me of the woman who is ridiculed for stretch marks and strike back through Facebook..

Unsuspecting was the 33 year old Tanis Jex-Blake to enjoy the sun and sea, until she heard loud voices on the beach: "Oh my God, look at that! That's too rancid for words Look how dirty it is!"
If the Canadian looks up, she sees that two men and a woman have bent over her and pointing at her belly. When she later that day ride back, she cries all the way home. And then she decides to do something brilliant. She made a facebook-post to tell how special her belly is:

This is an open letter to the 2 guys and 1 girl who decided to skip work today in Sherwood Park where they were building a house , but instead decided to come to Alberta Beach to relax in the sun, enjoy the water and some beers.
I'm sorry if my first attempt at sun tanning in a bikini in public in 13 years "grossed you out". I'm sorry that my stomach isn't flat and tight. I'm sorry that my belly is covered in stretch marks. I'm NOT sorry that my body has housed, grown, protected, birthed and nurtured FIVE fabulous, healthy, intelligent and wonderful human beings. I'm sorry if my 33 year old, 125 lb body offended you so much that you felt that pointing, laughing, and pretending to kick me. But I'll have you know that as I looked at your 'perfect' young bodies, I could only think to myself "what great and amazing feat has YOUR body done?". I'll also have you know that I held my head high, unflinching as you mocked me, pretending that what you said and did had no effect on me; but I cried in the car on the drive home. Thanks for ruining my day. It's people like you who make this world an ugly hateful place. I can't help but feel sorry for the women who will one day bear your children and become "gross" in your eyes as their bodies change during the miraculous process of pregnancy. I can only hope that one day you'll realize that my battle scars are something to be proud of, not ashamed of.

So this challenge of mamaklets is wonderfull.
You can make a picture of your naked belly if you are proud of your belly!
You can put them on instagram or on twitter with #blotemamabuik .
After this month mamakletst will make a blog of all the naked bellies she had recieved!

So let show the world how beautifull your belly is after giving birth!

I'm also in this challenge.
I've put a picture online also.
The left one is when I was 34 weeks pregnant and the other pictures is after giving birth.
I've got some stretch marks on my sides an legs.
My hips are a little bit bigger also.
I've gained less than 10 kilo's during pregnancy and when my little girl comes out I've got my old weight back!
I've got a very small tummy during pregnancy.
Some people did not believe that I was pregnant for that long. They think I was pregnant for only 20 weeks.
But a small belly is not that great because I was in lot of pain.
My abs push my tummy to the inside so my baby pushes to my kidneys and other organs.
But I've got a precious little girl now!
For the stretch marks I used Zwitsal baby oil. And it worked great. I did not use it on my legs and sides... But what ever. It does not bother me that I have those stretch marks.
My tattoo is also not stretched. Some people think that it will streched out and it whil be ugly.
But that does not happen to me.

So I think I can be proud of my body after giving birth.
Are you proud of your body?
Let's show us that you are and mamakletst will make a blog out of it so all the negativity and shame will be out of the world.
Also you are beautifull after giving birth and yes may can walk in bikini also with stretch marks!