woensdag 9 april 2014

Pasta Saint-Tropez and a special thanks

Before I will give you my recipe I will like to give a special thanks to a friend of mine.
I'm new here in Bloggerland and well I do not know everything about this page. She helped me this morning to figure some things out and make my page a little bit better.
She is also a very good lifestyle blogger. You really must follow her! www.linlicious-style.nl
Thank you for helping me with my blog Linda!!!!

Well and as promised here is my delicious pasta....

What you need is:
coconut oil
little tomatoes
rocket letuce
Boursin (or herb cream cheese)

Make pasta like you always do.
Cut the chicken in pieces,  Bake them in coconut oil, add the rocket letuce with the chicken.
Add the Boursin (or herb cream cheese) with the chicken and letuce and as last add the little tomatoes to your mixture.

If this is all done you've got a yummie dinner.

1 opmerking:

  1. aaah thanks girl, that's very sweet!! Good luck with your blog :-)
    If you need help you know where to find me!!
