Hello folks,
Only 10 more days to go for the ab challange.
Don't give up. Just push yourself to the limit.
I'm here to give you more motivation to keep on going.
No excuses: "I've got no time, I've got a headache, I've got a kid screaming."
I've got a baby crying, work 30 hours a week, need some family time, was sick, had a eye infection and I'm still working out.
How? With my baby girl, when I wake up. And she love it.
Lay your baby on your legs, and do some crunches. And if you come up just give your baby a kiss. They will enjoy ;).
I've got a nice schedule for the 30day ab challenge (you can find on the internet also) but remember this does not mean you've got abs in 30 days but you will get leaner and get some stronger abs!

So nothing to worry if you don't see some abs popping out.
It's all about your fat %
you can read here.
And anothe thing:
Abs are made in the kitchen.
And I'm not saying that you can't eat some chips, chocolate or whatever other junkfood.
I'm saying that you must eat 99% of the time healthy and the other 1% some junk stuff you like.
This way you can hold on a lot longer to your clean eating plan.
Cheat days boost your metabolism and satisfy you psychologically. Knowing you can be a little looser with your diet, and be able to eat some forbidden of those foods will help keep you motivated the rest of the time to stay on track. Take the time to understand what a cheat day is, what it does to your body, and how to implement it, and you'll soon be bootable to harness a nice little weapon in the fight against fat.
So yes I eat also some candy at work from the jar, or eat some french fries but in moderation.
What you also need to know to get some abs is do some cardio also.
With cardio you will loose some fat and you will slim down a little bit faster.
Keep your abs always tightened. So you will work out while you doing the dishes or even if you are at work.
Good luck the last 10 days.
Here some motivation for you: