And no you can't get high eating hemp seeds. There are no THC in it so you don't get stoned.
Hemp seeds are one of the safest foods on the planet. It is THC free, pesticide free, gluten free, peanut free, and it is extremely easy to digest. It is excellent for those who suffer from food allergies, digestion problems, stomach sensitivities, and is perfect for those who are sensitive to pesticides. It has become extremely popular as a protein source for body builders who have experienced negative side effects from Whey Protein supplements. With the use of hemp protein professional body builders are now able to eat a vegetarian diet and still compete at the highest level. It is excellent for pregnant and lactating woman and for people of all health and fitness levels.
My recipe for today:
Hemp Balls.
1 1/2 cup hemp seeds
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
1/2 cup warm water
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
tea spoon maple sirup
Mix everything together. Place in the freezer for 20minutes to harden a bit. Use a small scoop to make tiny balls of it. cover it with hemp seeds and store it in the freezer