Pregnancy does a lot with you body and mind. And everybody dreams to look as beautifull like all of those celeberties. Everybody hopes they will not gain weight a lot.
But all those celebs have a personal trainer, diƫtist and someone who will gave them advice and what do you think about their stylist or visagist who makes sure they look great?

A lot of pregnant woman don't feel confident about theirselfs. Me either. Hanging above the toilet does not makes you feel pretty but just feeling dirty.
You feel unattractive and your body is changing a lot. It's just a normal process during the pregnancy.
But how can you deal with all those changes? How can you feel confident again?
Let me give you some advice.

First off all STOP with saying that you are ugly or your fat or what ever! This does not do your ego any good. Stay positive, how hard it will be sometimes. People who are saying they are ugly will look ugly. So simple as that.
Cuddle, kiss, have sex with your partner.For a lot of woman this makes them feel confident.
Weare your bump with pride. I've got a tiny bump with 24 weeks a friend of mine who's 20 weeks has a big bump. But wear your bump with pride, don't hide it. It's such a beautifull thing that mother nature gave it to us.
Wear comfortable clothing. If you don't fit in any skinny jeans any more just deal with it. But don't wear sweatpants instead. Yes I've got to deal with pregnancy pants also. But they feel much comfortable and you've got really nice and trendy ones. So if it fits great you will show it also.
Just spent a little more time to your appearance. Get up an half an hour earlier to do your make up and your hair. Don't think if you are pregnant you have not to do that any more. Well wrong. Make sure you look great and then you will feel great also.
I was trying to do that for a couple of days and I only get compliments that I sparkle and look great and happy. Well all those compliments will makes you feel great.
And finally: Be Yourself!
Everybody is beautifull in their own way. Even if you are pregnant or not. Just be yourself, smile and wear your bump with pride. It's such a gift to wear a little life inside of you.... Everybody feels happy in their own way. I feel happy if I get my nails done, wear some dresses (I wear them never before pregnancy but now I feel good in it), by wearing funny belly bands, wear braceltets and other jewelry to make my outfit complete and do my hair for ones (I've always wear my hair loose)
And here some advice from Jwoww and Snooki... I really need to laugh about those two.