Posts tonen met het label mommytobe. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label mommytobe. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 17 juni 2015

Interview met Thea van Bampraat

Een inspirerende blog, een mooie blog een blog met veel informatie. Een blog voor moeders (to be) die bewust alleenstaand moeder willen worden of zijn. 
Ik sprak met Thea van deze mooie blog: bampraat .

Wie is Thea van Galen?
Een vrolijke, spontane vrouw van 32. Happy single en creatief. En werkzaam in de gastouderopvang.

Wat is de voornaamste reden dat je koos voor alleenstaand moederschap?
Mijn kinderwens is heel sterk, ik denk ook deels door mijn werk. En ik zag om me heen veel vrouwen die moeite hadden met zwanger worden. Ik wilde daardoor niet meer wachten. Want misschien wacht ik wel te lang. Ook wilde ik altijd al jong moeder worden.

Hoe staat je omgeving daar tegenover?
Ik word door iedereen gesteund. Iedereen is enthousiast. Maar voor dierbaren is het soms ook moeilijk. Ik ga niet voor het standaard plaatje man-vrouw-kind. En daardoor hebben ze ook wat zorgen. En dat is logisch, het is geen klein iets.

Wat is de reden dat je erover bent gaan bloggen?
Ik wilde mijn verhaal vertellen, en ik wilde meer aandacht voor de (bewust) alleenstaande moeders. En ook voor hun kinderen, met name de donorkinderen.

Hoe ervaar je die weg ernaartoe om moeder te worden?
Pittiger en zwaarder dan ik dacht. Ik had wel verwacht dat het spanningen met zich mee zou nemen. Maar dat mijn lichaam zo raar zou doen, dat had ik niet verwacht.
Ik krijg ineens onderzoeken voor bloedingen die ik niet hoor te hebben, je leven staat echt even op zijn kop. En je hele maand draait om die ene poging, die ene inseminatie. En als die dan niet gelukt is. Dan draait de maand alweer om de volgende.

Je inspireert en informeert veel mensen met je blog, wat zou je nog meer willen bereiken met je blog?
Ik zou graag nog meer verhalen willen delen, van (bewust) alleenstaande moeders en van de donorkinderen. En vrouwen die twijfelen, helpen een keuze te maken. En meer bekendheid hiervoor. Er rust nog een soort taboe op.

Hoe combineer jij het bloggen met je werk en prive leven?
Niet J. Bampraat komt echt in mijn prive leven. Ik moet gewoon fulltime werken om mezelf te onderhouden. Soms komt er wel inspiratie op, of helpen de kinderen op mijn werk met mijn blogs. Zo heeft een van mijn gastouderkindjes, een aantal foto’s voor me gemaakt.
Dus meestal zit ik in de avonden en op mijn vrije (van werk) dagen te werken aan Bampraat. Ik zou er graag meer tijd voor hebben!

Welke blogpost is het meest gelezen?
Ik moest het even opzoeken. De meest gelezen blog is het interview dat ik deed met Natascha een BAM van 2 kinderen en zwanger van nummer 3! (link:  )
En als het komt op eigen blogs: mijn donor kiezen (link:  )

Naar welk moment kijk je het meest uit?
Tja dat is een inkoppertje: het vasthouden van mijn eigen kindje direct na de bevalling. Ik hoop heel snel!

Heb jij nog tips voor andere moeders to be die alleenstaand zwangerschap overwegen?

Denk er goed over na, praat er over met de mensen om je heen. En bereid je goed voor. Denk aan financiĆ«n, werk, huis, en steun om je heen. En overweeg je aan te melden bij de Vereniging voor BAM’ers: Het heeft mij goed geholpen!
Het is zwaar, onderschat het niet. Maar van wat ik hoor en zie de moeite waard.

vrijdag 30 mei 2014

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Currently there is a lot of attention to healthy and sensible diet.
Especially for pregnant women and women trying to become pregnant, it is important to have good health, which of course is largely achieved through proper and healthy diet.
Which often do not take into consideration and where previously a little attention has been paid, is the influence of endocrine disrupting substances on pregnancy.

Hormone disrupting chemicals (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, EDCs) are found in plastics, food cans, certain care products, and pesticides in fruits and vegetables. There appeared a report about these substances in 2012 made by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
The conclusion of the report was "endocrine disruptors pose a global threat to public health."

The impact of endocrine disrupters
Some researchers suggest that these EDC's could be linked with fertility problems,certain types of cancer and metabolic problems.
During pregnancy, these substances would increase the sensitivity of the unborn child for the above diseases.
These risks are recognized by the WHO.

How do you get endocrine disrupters in?
You can get endocrine disrupting chemicals in through inhalation, skin contact, through the mouth.
Various studies have shown that hormone disrupting chemicals and other synthetic chemicals can cross the placenta.

What about Denmark?
In 1992, Denmark has allready ring the alarm! 15% of young Danish men has as poor sperm quality, we saw an increase in the number of men with testicular cancer, we also saw that in young women's breast development began earlier than 15 years before. This can also be seen in animals who are exposed to endocrine disruptors. The Danish Parliament has therefore developing legislation and certain prohibited substances (like all plasticizers). The starting point is the precautionary principle.
This was seen in a Zembla broadcast in December 2013.

The precautionary principle in Denmark
The precautionary principle, for example, you take a substance from the market or inform the pregnant women about the potential risks of these substances until you are sure that they really are no risk for the unborn child or young children.
Denmark considers it important to provide this information so mommy's and mommy's to be have a choice. They find that it involves risks that you should be aware of.
Therefore, every pregnant woman receives a brochure explaining how you can reduce exposure to these substances. This brochure has been developed by the Danish Ministry of Environment and ensures that every pregnant woman in Denmark have the choice for everyday things which your pregnancy (and the later health of your child) can affect.

Here in the Netherlands they find that there is insufficient evidence to these chemicals.
Despite the alarming report of the WHO, Netherlands does nothing at all to point out the risks of these substances of concern.

Source: and Zembla.

vrijdag 9 mei 2014

Tag: Work That Es

I saw an amazing tag on my cup of care and she found it on work that es . 
And that's also the name of the tag. I think this tag is a great way to tell a little bit of myself.
But this is the English version of it ;).

What sports do you do?
At this very moment none. Because of pregnancy. But normal I swim, fitness and run.
Favorite exercise?
I love to swim. I did it my whole life till I'm 16 or something I've won a lot of competitions. Than I have to quit because of a knee injuri. So I started fitness. And sometimes I run. Depends on how my knee feels. At the gym my favorite exercise are deadlifts.
That varies from whole grain crackers, oatmeal, fruit smoothies. But I always start my day with coffee and banana soy milk.
Which workout song is now on repeat?
Can't hold me back-Decibel 2012
What do you find easier, healthy eating or exercise?
At the moment healthy eating. But I'm not an angel I have a cheat meal now and then. But normally exercise is a lot easier. Normally I can't sit still. Thats why it is so hard for me to keep rest for this moment. But everything for the little one.

Do you use supplements? 
When I work out a lot I do. I've got caseine powder, Whey eggwhites, Amino X, Go pre workout powder. Everything comes from: gymfood

Best fitspiration?
Andreia Brazier. And I follow a lot of fit people on facebook, twitter or instagram.

Like I allready told you. Once in a while ;). I love chips. I can't see a movie without eating them. But I also eat tomatoes or carrots instead.
Finest sports outfit?
Loose Sport shorts or sweatpants, I don't like it when they are tight I feel uncomfortable in it. Sports bra with a tank top.
Do you use sport and / or health apps?
I've only got the app: runkeeper. That saves my route, shows how hard I ran, how many km and my time. 
Biggest irritation during exercise?
When my body is to tired to function but my mind is not. People who are stare at you weird (just get a life). 
How many pairs of sports shoes do you have?
Only 2. 1 for the gym and 1 for running outside.
Three things you can not live without?
Ow there are to many..... But for 1: my boyfriend (father of my child that I'm carry), My animals (3dogs, 2 cats), My phone, it's the thing that connect me with my best friends and keep in touch with them.  But I can also not live without: friends, my baby in my tummy, and sports.

Pregnancy is about getting connected

It was 3 am in the morning. The wind was sweeping through the house.
I've came out of bed because my best friend the toilet calls me. And not that I must pee again, I felt very nauseous. Sow I've walked down stairs like a ghost and embraced the toilet. I felt awful and the bleak wind that was blowing made ​​things worse. When I walked to bed again and see the curtains blowing in the wind, I felt like I was playing in a horror movie. So I lay down in bed trying to get some sleep. But instead that I could sleep I was thinking, about my blog and stuff like that.
It's not that I have a lot of followers, maybe they come or maybe they don't. But it's a great time killer for me because I'm all alone at home all day.Yesterday I went to the company doctor and he advised me to listen to my body and not go to work. Pretty lame but everything for the little baby.
So I can blog all my frustrations out, find new recipe and try them and post them.
So I'm connected with blogging.

I'm also connected with my little baby in my tummy. We share the same blood and we are stuck together. The little baby knows, hears and feels everything what I feel. This little stranger knows everything about me. Yeah we are connected.

As I write this, it is very cold and windy outside. Like it was 3am in the morning. It's dark in the house and the curtains move back along by the wind. I'm all alone with my 3 dogs and 2 cats who are sleeping. I feel  and walk around like a ghost feeling nauseous again. And my horror movie starts all over again haha.

The only thing I hear is the vibration of my phone and the wind that blows so hard.
It's a friend of mine. I knew her a little longer but I have not spoken to her for a long time.
We've got in touch when we saw on facebook that we were pregnant. Long live facebook! But she is not the only one with I have contact because I'm pregnant. There are more pregnant old friends or schoolmates that now suddenly are talking to me. And I must say it is pretty handy and nice to have those.
As much as I love my best friends, they're just not been pregnant. And how much they support me it's nice to have my new friends who are in the same situation. We give eachother advise and support eachother. You are never alone!

Pregnancy is about getting connected. Not only with your litlle baby inside of you. But you make new friends who are pregnant. This can be caused by pregnancy yoga or through social media. Maybe you're a member of pregnancy forums and you will find your soul mate over there.
It's easy to talk to a fellow pregnant woman.

But the most important thing: don't forget your old friends. They might not be pregnant, but they want to be there for you. 

So now it's time to send my best friend a text, maybe she can hang out soon!